Latest News
Walsall Business Support helps independent florist relocate with £5,000 grant
An independent florist and event stylist has received a £5,000 grant from Walsall Business Support to help with relocation to a bigger premises.
Leather businesses receive vital skills assessments through Walsall Business Support grant
Leather companies in Walsall have had their skills and training needs assessed to boost employment opportunities for the future following a £10,000 grant from Walsall Business Support.
Walsall manufacturer receives £7,500 grant to upgrade websites
An innovative engineering business has received a £7,500 grant from Walsall Business Support to upgrade its websites as it seeks to grow its reputation internationally.
Teepee Electrical receives £15,000 grant from Walsall Business Support
A Walsall manufacturing business has received a £15,000 grant from Walsall Business Support to purchase new manufacturing software.
Fast growing Walsall saddle maker receives £8,000 to innovate and boost employment
A Walsall based saddle maker is venturing into new markets by creating an innovative saddle solution thanks to an £8,000 funding boost from Walsall Business Support.
Walsall creative hub awarded £15,000 to grow services for local community
A not-for-profit creative hub which provides Walsall residents with the opportunity to upskill and gain employment in the creative industries has been awarded a £15,000 grant to grow their services.
Walsall Wood tattoo studio receives £1,500 grant from Walsall Business Support
A new tattoo studio in Walsall Wood has received a £1,500 grant from Walsall Business Support, which aims to help grow business and skills in the town.
Walsall clinic providing holistic therapies receives £2,500 grant to expand services
A Walsall acupuncture clinic specialising in holistic wellbeing therapies has benefitted from a £2,500 grant to support the relocation and expansion of their business.
Apply to boost jobs and training through Walsall Business Support
Walsall Business Support has received fresh applications to improve jobs and training in the borough on the back of the first successful bids being granted.